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the U.S. have not been recycled plastic. Before the "plastic limit", the domestic supermarket bags and businesses also regarded as the first choice. Globally, there are about 500 million disposable plastic bags are thrown in the wild or is blown away or become ocean trash vortex, and finally eat into the mouth of wildlife and marine animals, resulting in many deaths of innocent animals. Many environmental scientists and conscientious consumers, plastic bags considered public enemy number one. Why small plastic bags will become public enemy number one environment it? Scientists pointed out that, in the natural environment, plastic bags are not biodegradable, only by light degradation. The sun's ultraviolet plastic polymer chains will be broken down into many small pieces of hydrocarbons. These small pieces of hydrocarbons usually weighs 0.15 grams. "Plastic: A Toxic Love Story" author Susan 弗雷因科尔 in the book takes a very vivid metaphor to explain this process: plastic . .
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