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Bopp Tape Manufacturer, Bopp tape supplier,
packing tape manufacturers ized arrangement studio, classrooms, seminar rooms, events and gallery space, auditorium and library larger projects unit. Blue bopp tape "These
units extend the concept of public projects pin-up central space, the performance of the building facade is the 'void' in the form of space, forms of expression in a public symbol of academic
space." Studio as a key project factors, "with a 'real' form language, and 'void' of pin-up space in contrast." Studio floor boards located along the spiral ramp sustained upward. Studios
throughout the building is a key design, they "provide creative space as a support for the pin-up center space." Blue bopp tape "blue bopp tape also give full consideration to the importance of
teacher-student relationship building education through the building along the entire something facade layout faculty offices and administrative services area, upstairs offices are close to each
studio offers an integrated educational environment. "Beijing multidimensional Dragon decoration office decoration