custom tape
Bopp Tape Manufacturer, Bopp tape supplier,
custom packing tape the various needs of different clients. ? How to completely remove the 3M bopp tape does Shenzhen bopp
tape Factory tell you: one, you can remove the appearance of some good transparent with adhesive glue stick
repeatedly tear. 2, advanced with a hair dryer blowing hot soft conditioning 3M bopp tape. If there is a local
3M adhesive peel off the top, with a little indelible with a cotton swab dipped in diesel fuel go up five minutes
later with a towel does not leave traces, as well as with anti-mosquito bite Fengyoujing kind of painted glue,
are coated with a paper towel to wipe the glue and then there will be no. 3, easy to mark, but according to the
degree of your stick, rub with the eraser along the edge a little bit inside. Time may be different, if the
conditions of alcohol + eraser effect is very good. 4, whether it is using to light water or vinegar, clear, they
must make these supplies completely s