DESCRIPTION OF injection molding assembly
How to Design for Assembly
Searching for Symmetry
It might be hard to wrap your mind around at first, but many assemblies traditionally constructed of two unique components can often be made from a pair of identical parts.
Self-Mating Parts
But why not get rid of the screws altogether? Our gear housing example is now symmetrical, but it still requires manual installation of threaded inserts, never mind keeping track of all those pesky
screws and washers.
Family Molds
Another way to achieve hero status is the use of family molds, which are ideal when producing a series of parts with similar shapes and sizes.
Hardware Harmony
Everyone’s heard the adage about reinventing the wheel. Designing and manufacturing your own nuts, screws, shafts, pins, keys, and dozens of other off-the-shelf components should be avoided at all
costs. Better to redesign your product around standard hardware items, especially if production volumes are expected to rise at some point.
Moving to Monoform
The properties that make plastics such as polypropylene (PP) and styrene butadiene (SB) excellent candidates for living of the chosen plastic are appropriate for the environment in which
they’ll be used.
Easy Assembly
If a product must be assembled, attempt to make the task easier by orienting the various screws and connectors in such a way that all are accessible from the same side, thus minimizing part
flipping and rotating.
If you need any kinds of precision mold services, please contact us, as a professional custom plastic molding company, Fangling is willing to offer you high quality products.