It is a convenient, simple and practical human-computer interaction device.
For shopping mall kiosk manufacturers , The information kiosk has a wide range of uses and involves many industries. For example, the bank's queuing machine, self-service teller machine, and
self-service card processing equipment use touch screen technology. There are also government affairs halls, certificate halls, shopping malls, etc., and some self-service equipment, all using
touch all-in-one machines. With the change in market demand, the machine is also upgraded and innovated in the original operation function, not only can be touched but also has identity
recognition, face camera, fingerprint sensor, scanner, printer, card reader and other modules, which can realize Information query, ID card, social security card identification, fingerprint
attendance, credit card, printing, scanning payment and other functions. Widely used in banks, government affairs, shopping malls, electricity, schools, taxation, communications, office halls and
other places.
The shopping mall information kiosk can provide shopping malls with intelligent guides, map navigation, floor guide, brand merchant display, store name query and other functions.
It can help people get activities, promotions, discounts and discounts for merchants, etc. Attract more traffic and improve sales performance.
The entrance and exit of the shopping mall hall, the idle rest area of the passage, the entrance and exit of the supermarket, the hotel lobby, some government service halls, the bank business hall,
the lobby on the first floor of the hospital and the halls of various branch clinics, and the elevator entrance of the building with dense people, etc.