Lemongrass is a tall perennial plant that belongs to Poaceae grass family that thrives in tropical and subtropical regions. This plant grows in dense clumps and has bright-green, sharp-edged leaves, similar to grass. Lemon grass oil is extracted with the help of steam distillation of dried Lemongrass. The Lemongrass is known by scientific names Cymbopogon Citratus or Andropogon Citratus. This essential oil contains Myrcene, Citronellal, Geranyl Acetate, Nerol, Geraniol, Neral, Limonene and Citral as the main constituents. The Lemongrass smells just like Lemon, but it is milder, sweeter and far less sour. This grass is used in countless beverages (including tea), desserts and other forms of culinary as a flavoring agent, where fresh lemon is not available or is not to be used. It is very much in use in Chinese and Thai recipes. For more information visit https://www.meenaperfumery.com/essential-oils/lemon-grass-oil