Professional workplace needs personal protection top to bottom, foot protection PPE is important for many jobs. Disposable foot protection is required where the potential hazards may provoke
serious contamination to the foot or where the areas needed high standard hygiene condition may result from an employee's daily job duties.
Foot coverings for shoes are disposable slip-on garments that fit over the shoes. Disposable shoe cover protectors are irreplaceable pieces of personal protective equipment (PPE) used in various
environments to provide a protective barrier to footwear when entering or working in different environments, especially restrict contamination at sensitive areas .
These can include some dust free required spaces in medical settings, laboratories, ESD sensitive areas, and food, agriculture, automotive, cleaning, construction, hygiene pharmaceutical workshops.
Shoe covers PPE aren't only used in sensitive industrial areas, also used by daily contractors and installation technicians when visiting customer homes or premises to prevent bringing in dirt and
other contaminants. Disposable shoe covers allow for any contaminants disposed within a certain place before moving to the next area, further preventing cross-contamination or spreading.
Why Do We Wear Shoe Protection Covers?
Shoe coverings are necessary to protect the flooring and furnishings in your home. They not only provide comfort, but they also lower the risk of allergies and keep you safe from germs and
Safety shoe covers are usually nylon, plastic or rubber. The reasons for wearing shoe covering include protection of the health of the individuals being cared for, preventing possible spread of
harmful microorganisms, preventing spread of infectious agents like human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and hepatitis B virus (HBV), protecting privacy, protecting furniture and equipment found in
healthcare facilities such as operating rooms.
If you want to know more kinds of disposable ppe kit, please visit our website.