he production process of windbreak panels are including cutting, slitting and recoiling raw metal sheet, punching, molding, cleaning and electrostatic power spray, last testing and packing.

Windbreak panels production process
- Coil cutting, slitting and recoiling: this step is an important aspect of production, advanced processing equipment determine the quality of the merits of the product.
- Punching windbreak mesh is the second part of the production, professional production workers for the processing of high-quality punching your product.
- Molding: the third part of windbreak - forming windproof processing forming equipment, there is bimodal and triple peak continuous molding equipment, windbreak panel length can be 8 meters or more.
- Cleaning: The fourth step of windbreak panels, which is to prepare for the back of the electrostatic spray, cleaning cleansing effect a direct impact on the quality of surface spray.
- Electrostatic powder spraying wind break panels is the fifth step, powder spraying the product surface to withstand harsh environments without corrosive rust.
Through the electrostatic spray, wind dust panels can absorb the sun's ultraviolet rays, reducing the oxidation rate of the material itself, makes it has a good anti-aging performance and a long serve life. It also has super-hydrophilic so it easy to be rained dust, play self-cleaning effect, need no maintenance.
Windbreak panels application
- Dust pollution control in the open yard of bulk material.
- Cross-wind control on highway and railway.
- Improvement on the wind conditions of sport court.
- Improvement of road with sedimentary sand and snow.
- Improvement of agricultural microclimate.
- Improvement of microclimate for people working or living in wild.
- Fence and barrier.