The intake of porcine gelatin in vaccines can also effectively eliminate skin spots, remove dark spots and age spots, and improve hair quality, make hair black and shiny and more elastic, nourish hair, prevent hair splitting and deterioration, and prevent gray hair and baldness. Promote the metabolism of skin, hair and nails.
Ingredients of Hydrolyzed Porcine Gelatin
Inspection Items Unit Standard
Jelly Strength (6.67%, 10 ℃) Bloom. g ≥180
Engler Viscosity (6.67%, 40 ℃) °E ≥10
Viscosity Degradation (6.67 %,37℃) % ﹤7.0
Luminousness % ≥70
PH 4.0-7.2
Moisture % 10-14
Ash Content % ≤2.0
Chromium ppm ≤2.0
Heavy Metal % ≤0.003
Arsenic Salt % ≤1
Insoluble Particles % ≤0.2
Peroxide mg

Total Bacterial Count cfu/g ≤10000
Salmonella 10g negative
Colibacillus g ≤3
Mucedine Cfu/g ≤100
Conclusion Passed
Benefits of pork gelatine powder
Hydrolyzed fish gelatin is the perfect ingredient to make toffees chewable and give them a lasting taste.
Its foaming, stable deformation and emulsifying properties make it an excellent solution for this segment.
What Can Hydrolyzed Porcine Gelatin Be Used For
Ice Cream
Senior Candy
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