Main features of shelf wire deck
Characteristics: 1) Allows the free passage of water so overhead sprinklers operate effectively.
2) Qualifies for a reduction in Fire Insurance Premiums.
3) Reusable trip after trip.
4) Stay cleaner because dirt cannot build up on wire grid.
5) Don't have a disposal fee.
6) Lighter in weight and easy to handle.
7) Won't rot or splinter and have no nails.
8)Build products to your any specification.
9)Finish: Zinc plated or hot dip zinc or powder coating
10)Safer: Batter fire safety preformance, meets stringent insurance requirements.
11) More Durable: Does not warp, twist or sag, highly durable ad maintenance free
12) Hygienic: Does not allow dirt or dust to build up
13) Easy to Handle: Quick and easy to install- no fixing or fastening
14) Improves Visibility: Increases lighting and access for operators
15) Versatile: Ideal for all storage, including coolrooms and freezers
16) Flexible: Allows you to store skids, pallets or small parts in any location