Along with the rise of this name into a mark of quality,Coastal Auto Repair and Servicewas born in May 2019 and shows great success. Coastal Auto Repair and Service is your chosen
provider of first-rate Lower Sunshine Coast vehicle repairs and services. In all we do, our dedication to excellence shows itself never once for grated. From simple tune-ups to diagnostics and even
complete repairs, our knowledgeable staff can handle every kind of issue that comes across our company. We try to offer reliable time saver precise client focused automobile repair services since we
value the need of a safe and dependable means of transportation. Our clients are important to us since we develop long-term relationships with people and find great satisfaction in having close ties.
Coastal Auto Repair & Service assures your vehicles every attention they require by not just serving but even better still being an involved member of the local community. If you would want Coastal
Auto Repair and Service, you would have encountered a friendly setting in addition to technical expertise. Our knowledgeable staff is always at your reach to provide solutions related to your
automobile that worry you. At Coastal Auto Repair and Service, where customer happiness counts and quality is matched with dependability, feel the difference.