Another Name: Ubidecarenone;coenzyme Q10
CAS Number:303-98-0
Molecular Formula:C59H90O4
Molecular Weight:863.49
Melting Point:48-52 oC Boiling Point:869°Cat760mmHg
Flash Point:324.5°C
Solubility: Stability Stable, but may be light or heat sensitive. Storein the dark at -20 C. Incompatible with strong oxidizing agents. Toxicology Not hazardous according to Directive 67/548/EEC.
Appearance:powder Properties:Orange crystals from MeOH or EtOH at low temp. Mp: 49.9°. Uses: help in cardiovascular conditions, especially heart failure, as well as cancer, muscular dystrophy, and
periodontal disease. It is also said to boost energy and speed recovery from exercise. Some people take it to help reduce the effects certain medicines can have on the heart, muscles, and other