Perforated Sieves or perforated plate sieves are made of perforated stainless steel plate with round holes or square holes, and brass or stainless steel as the frames. Perforated sieves are used where accurate screening materials are needed. We can offer a wide range of perforated plate sieves in round hole or square hole. Perforated plate sieves are in diameter sizes of 200, 300, 315, 350, 400 and 450mm. Aperture sizes range from 125mm to 4mm in square hole and 125mm to 1mm in slotted round hole. They are widely used in many fields for its different materials and types.
There are mainly three kinds of perforated sieves. They are perforated grain sieves, mid-point test sieves and extra depth sieves.
Besides, there are some special designed perforated sieves, such as air jet sieves, pocket sieves and other sieves used for testing small samples either in the lab or on site.
Perforated plate can be used as sieves to separating and screening the materials.
Perforated sieves with square holes can be used as gains sieves to test gains and cereals grades.
We also supply special sieves such as air jet sieves.
Perforated plate sieves are widely used in many fields with their different types and materials. Our sieves are general used in food, paper, processing industry, stones and powders, research lab, construction and building industry, mining and the oil chemical and more industries.
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