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Content: Original title: Yao remember playing card contest Guangdong Division Finals Fold Date: [2014-11-05] edition: [A31] Version name: [Sports News ยท Comprehensive] Font: [medium and small]
Express News 2014 Chinese playing card playing card contest Yaoji Guangdong Division finals held recently in Guangzhou, Jinan University, through five rounds of fierce competition, Lin Zhichao /
Huangnai An, Zhoucui Wei / Huangmeng Fei, Gu today / Cao Xiangming top three. The competition is organized by the National Sports Administrative Guidance Center, Guangdong Province Social Sports
Center hosted. According to reports, Yao remember playing card contest held nine years ago, has become the country's largest cable under the competitive playing card platform, this year's national
finals will be held in December.
Title: Informed neighbor: "He often came to horse playing playing card, I heard had depression" _ _ Phoenix Heilongjiang Channel
Content: horse doorstep. At 20:35 on Novembe
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