11 o'clock position (seen as the face of the racket surface of one clock), with a connection frame on both sides of the load clamp in discrete points along the racket face, the degree of deviation of
all points of the test, and compared with various other racket. Racket torsional torque test the extent of experiments, it is similar to three-point bending test, but the anchor is different, torque
testing of the anchor in the racket face on either side rather than on both sides, that is in the 5 o'clock and 11 o'clock, so that the torque generated on the frame, to reflect the degree of
deviation by the torsion test racket. Two experiments using a modified top loading method, loading the load in a 11 o'clock and two o'clock at the top of the racket, this indicates a radial direction
along the top of the racket strength. Racquet face which is a critical area, whenTennis ball manufacturers,
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