Wre Rod Introduction
Wre Rod also named Rolled Steel Wire.is commonly used in building engineering construction, the name of the diameter of less than 10 mm steel, because under 10 mm steel easy to bend, to reduce the length before shipment, the manufacturer of the long steel roll into a circle round ring, in the construction site that such steel wire rod for short.
Wre Rod Feature
6-10 mm plate diameter deviation of plus or minus 0.40, allowed out of roundness deviation is less than or equal to 0.50 allowed, wire rod surface must not have crack, folding, etc., are allowed indentation and locally convex block, hollow block, scratches, pits, etc., but its attempt (actual size) is not greater than 0.2 mm. Tin plate round surface for oxidation, which is also called the decarburization layer, is a deep blue color, macroscopic observation, the heavier color texture, the better.chinacoal05