India’s No.1 Entrance Automation & Loading Bay Equipment company Gandhi Automations offers a modern solution for garage doors radically improving the ambience of the building in which they are fitted and making life easier and safer. The overhead door introduced by the company replaces the traditional garage doors and offers a variety of practical and surprising advantages. They minimize bulk and give you more space inside and outside your garage. Your car can be parked almost in contact with the door, which can be opened and closed by sliding it vertically on side runners, until it is close to the ceiling. With the motorization, all you have to do is silently open and close your garage by gently operating the remote control. The residential overhead garage doors are sturdy and fully weather resistant. They provide excellent insulation against heat and sound, thanks to the insulated panels. They also allow for improved lighting, reduce energy costs and come with built-in safety devices for trouble-free operation.
The Garage Door is available with ceiling mounted sleek operator with encoder technology and with courtesy light. This is also available with pre-painted galvanized steel sandwich panel. It is provided with optional safety devices such as anti-break safety device, cable anti-break device, and safety edge. It helps in soundproofing and thermal insulation.
Gandhi Automations Pvt Ltd
2nd Floor, Chawda Commercial Centre,
Link Road, Malad (W), Mumbai-400064, India
Tel: +91 22 66720200 / 66720300 (200 lines)
Fax : +91 22 66720201
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