The static dissipative PET Film is made by Evervictory Acutech Corporation’s proprietary ICP surfacing technology with absolutely zero loading of carbon black and surfactants. Unlike most PET films
currently available in the market, EAC’s Static Dissipative PET film offers exceptional ESD protection without using ionic agents or surfactant additives. Our Static Dissipative PET film offers
superb protection against tribocharging even at low temperatures and low RH levels. Free of contaminants, such as sloughing-off of carbon particles and migrated/aggregated hygroscopic surfactant
molecules, this Static Dissipative PET Film offer stable ESD protection around the globe and around the clock.
T = 23 um ~ 188 um
W = 500 ~ 1000 mm
S.R. = 1.0E03~1.0E08 ohms(ANSI/EOS/ESD-S11.11-2001 )
Decay time = 0.01 second(Fed. Test Std. 101C, method 4046.1)
Jumbo roll, 100~200 Kg/roll