PVC Powder for Superior Corrosion Protection
Kingdura PVC powder, as a "workhorse" coating material supplied by our company, is generally seen on various items whether it be components or large finished products. It offers a smooth coating that is extremely corrosion resistant, durable yet soft to withstand fierce impacts. Meanwhile, Kingdura also has many advantages over traditional liquid plastisol, not only thinner coating layer, but also following benefits:

Kingdura PVC powders
- High corrosion protection.
- Chemical resistivity.
- Electrical insulation.
- Abrasion/impact resistance.
- Excellent electrical resistance.
- Noise reduction.
- UV resistance.
- Excellent resilient.
- Attractive appearance.
- High cost efficiency.
- Long service life.
In addition, Kingdura PVC powder is also a thermoplastic coating applied in the fluidized bed method similar to Adherest polyethylene powder coating. And it offers excellent adhesion to most metal parts that eliminates the needs of primer as well as provides a high degree of edge coverage.
- Marine areas.
- Dishwasher baskets.
- Patio furniture.
- Wire shelving.
- Outdoor fencing.
- Food handling equipment.
- Lamp guards.
- Gear and bicycle racks.
- Medical equipment.
- Fishing industry, etc.
- Coating method: fluid bed coating.
- Color: green, black, yellow and blue. Custom colors can be made upon request and samples. See color chart
- Package: Plastic bags and braid bags to protect PVC powders from contamination, moisture and leakage.
- Storage:
- Keep Kingdura PVC powders in a dry and clean place with excellent ventilation and at a temperature lower than 35°C.
- Keep Kingdura away from fire, heat and direct sunlight.
- Notice: Do not mix our Kingdura PVC powders with other companies' products when using.