bopp packaging tape wholesale
China bopp tape wholesale, Packing tape
bbopp brown packaging tape ape bundled really bad: Merchant: All special non-toxic vegetable bopp tape, its production process and raw materials are the same as ordinary bopp tape containing
chemicals, eat the stomach definitely poisonous. Needless to say, some industrial glue often contain formaldehyde, xylene and other toxic ingredients that break down when exposed to heat, the
virulence of swells, that is why people are talking crazy lies. But reporters further laboratory investigation, five samples of bopp tape, they did not detect toxic substances, experts, even
contain toxic substances, the amount will be very low, they do not cut off the bopp tape and vegetables long-term exposure, consumption of time the remaining part of the body would not have an
impact, we do not have too much concern. With respect to the people muttering, in other overseas countries, similar problems seem uncommon. According to reports, some foreign supermarkets provides
food-grade bopp tape, some are water-soluble food grade materials, even if there are left in the vegetable surface, after cleaning can be cleared. For example, in neighboring Japan, Global Chinese
Radio Network Japanese observers