paper plates manufacturing companies
Wholesale Paper Plates, Disposable Party Plate Suppliers
wholesale business: "three noes" toilet paper for personal use is not recommended yesterday morning, the reporter first came to the wholesale market supplies Fushun Road area visits, many
businesses directly toilet paper piled at the door to attract customers, all containing three fifty Bulk volume roll, and mostly no manufacturer, brand, specifications on the packaging. When a
reporter inquiry would ask is for commercial businesses or their own use. When a reporter said that with time, the business will return to their house, come up with "breeze" and other regular brand
of toilet paper. Reporters asked why, the business just say this brand of toilet paper "more affordable", but in fact the brand of toilet paper is twice the "three no" more than the price of toilet
paper. Commodity Market in Lijin Road, the reporter asked the difference after shopping two paper merchants, the salesman told reporters about the truth. "Brand toilet paper is manufactured from
virgin wood pulp, those are miscellaneous heap door pulp production, they used unsanitary." Sales said. In addition to toilet paper, the reporter in the purchase of wipes, diapers and other items,
will also ask the purpose of the business, and then give recommendations. Market: paper plate is still illegal sales in June last year, the State Quality