Skype: yczht123456
MF: C6H10N2O3
MW: 158.16
mp:165-168 °C
Appearance:White crystalline powder
Oxiracetam is well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract with a bioavailability of 56-82%. Peak serum levels are reached within one to three hours after a single 800 mg or 2000 mg oral dose,
with the maximal serum concentration reaching between 19-31 µg/ml at these doses. Oxiracetam is mainly cleared renally and thus 84% is excreted unchanged in the urine. The half-life of oxiracetam
in healthy individuals is about 8 hours, whereas it is 10-68 hours in patients with renal impairment. There is some penetration of the blood-brain barrier with brain concentrations reaching 5.3% of
that in the blood (measured one hour after a single 2000 mg intravenous dose). Clearance rates range from 9 to 95 ml/min and steady-state concentrations when 800 mg is given twice daily range from
60 µM to 530 µM. The highest concentrations of oxiracetam is found in the septum pellucidum, followed by the hippocampus, the cerebral cortex and with the lowest concentrations in the striatum
after a 200 mg/kg oral dose given to rats.
Piracetam derivatives, have central stimulant effects, can promote brain metabolism significantly improve memory and promote brain, senile memory and mental decline is valid. After serving most of
the product from prototype drug excretion in urine, not stored in the body, is well absorbed and well tolerated. For the elderly brain dysfunction, memory loss, especially for senile dementia, but
also for the rehabilitation of the treatment of neurosis, traumatic brain injury, and other brain diseases such as encephalitis.
Skype: yczht123456