1. Introduction
Canine distemper is widely spreading among various kinds of predators especially dogs through respiration system. Because of the difficulty to diagnose and treat this deadly disease promptly and effectively, the mortality of which is quite. According to related research, CDV particles can be detected in the sera of infected dogs about a week after infection. And two week later, some symptoms like fever, dry cough, conjunctivitis, vomit and diarrhea may emerge early or late. In spite of some individual variance, 3-4 months old pups with low immunity are sensitive to CDV and can often occurs serious CNS damage leading to death.
Based on fast immuno-chromatography technique, CDV Rapid Antigen Test Card can be utilized to detect canine distemper virus antigens simply and rapidly. When a sample derived from eye mucus, saliva, serum or plasma is added into sample-well on the card, it can move along membrane with underlying anti-CDV monoclonal antibody conjugated by colloid gold. If CDV antigens being present in samples, they can combine with the antibodies immobiled on test line and a wine-red line will appear in a few minutes. If no CDV antigens in samples, then color reaction won’t appear.
2. Contents
1 CDV Test Card 50 pcs
2 Dropper 50 pcs
3 Swab 50 pcs
4 Dilution Buffer 5 bottle
5 Disposable gloves 10 pairs
6 Instruction 1 insert
3. Procedure
1) Tearing open an aluminum foil containing CDV Antigen Rapid Test Card.
2) Taking out the card.
3) Adding sample
adding two drops of serum sample into dilution buffer. Mixing the buffer with the sample, then adding four drops of this mixture into sample-well on the card.
As to eye mucus or saliva, collecting samples with swabs provided, then putting the swabs into dilution buffer. Mixing the buffer with the swab thoroughly and adding four drops of this mixture into sample-well on the card.
4) Placing the card on table for 10-15 minutes at room temperature.
4. Results
Negative:no color reaction on Test Line (T Line),only on Control Line(C Line) being seen wine-red color reaction