There is a popular kind of metal fabrication -shaping. Various types of shaping operations are there, from bending to folding. These operations are performed on presses and other similar machines. There are various other operations, such as seaming stamping, grooving or crimping, beading etc. These techniques are used for shaping and stiffening of sheet metals. Various types of shapes can be given to the metals (like tubular shape). With the help of the folding or bending processes, sections and angles can be formed. To provide a suitable edge and increase in strength the coiling process is used. A coiling or a rolling tool is applied on a press. Cylindrical or circular shapes like tubes are performed. These shapes are created on a double layer roll forming machine. There are different types of press forming operations. These include, embossing and cupping. In the cupping process, a black is changed into a cup form. Embossing is dome on a finished component. It is used for strengthening purposes.