Large diameter thick wall steel pipe used primarily as a place of mechanical processing, production ofthe fuel tank! Usually more than the outer diameter of the large diameter thick wall steel pipe 200mm,wall thickness more than 20mm of steel pipes, the largest diameter can reach 1220mm and wall thicknesscan reach 80mm.
The production technology of large diameter thick
wall steel pipe generally includes hot-rolled, hot rolled, casting and other production methods! The large diameter thick wall steel pipe more common
indouble-sided submerged arc welding production process, product by bending, commissure, welding, outsidewelding, straightening, first-class multi-level process, to achieve the American Petroleum Institutestandard
requirements. The large diameter thick wall steel
pipe used in more
than a large steelstructure construction, to do the main support section, for example, a bridge piling, the underseapiling, high-rise buildings piling. The material is generally used Q345B, Q345C. Lower temperatureregion will be used Q345D Q345E.