Inox 430 is the most popular of the straight chrome stainless steels, and its principal uses are decorative. Because of its
excellent heat and corrosion resistance, as well as its ductility and lower cost compared with the chrome-nickel grades, inox
430 is used in many applications. These uses are primarily for stainless and decorative purposes, including household
appliances, metal molding, metal trim, cabinet hardware, hinges, drawn and formed parts and stampings. Similar to other
straight chromium grades, inox 430 annealed steel is subject to stretcher strains. Skin passing following annealing greatly
reduces this possibility, although this process reduces ductility. A condition, known as roping, akin to stretcher strains
may occasionally develop during deep drawing. Roping is characterized by the appearance of shallow ridges and valleys in the
sidewalls and is caused by excessive stretching. Inox 430 is magnetic under all conditions, is not heat-treatable for
hardening purposes and is weldable; however, its welds are not suitable in rigorous service.