OPC UA Gateway BL101 is an industrial IoT gateway that converts Modbus RTU and Modbus TCP into Modbus TCP, OPC UA, MQTT, Huawei Cloud IoT, AWS Cloud, ThingsBoard Cloud, Alibaba Cloud, BLIIoT Cloud and other ...
Xanthan Gum is an effective thickener e415 agent and multi-purpose stabilizer. E415 thickeners in food additives are widely used in the food industry for producing canned food, bakery(xanthan gum baking powder), dairy, frozen food, drinks, sauces, and others. As a xanthan gum ...
河北苏纳科技有限公司成立于2002年,主要产品有HPMC、HEMC、RDP、HEC、PVA、CMC、无机颜料、钛白粉等。 如果您对我们的产品感兴趣,请与我联系。 我的邮箱是export03@cnsuna.com 我的 Whatsapp 是+86 18631102067 ...