Main parts are imported with reliable function
High pressure pump are Danfos pump from Denmark which is
Maintenance free operation warranty within 8000hours
Pretreatment Protection device to protect high pressure pump and RO membrane to be damaged by grain or other hard solids.Low pressure switch to protect high pressure pump to be damaged by lower
pressure.if the water supply is stopped or not enough pressure,the system will be stopped automatically
Advanced membrane protection device:when start the machine,such device will be washing membrane automatically by the high water pressure from the high pressure pump to keep the life span of
Flow meter for product water,waste water to monitor and adjust the water output and the water utilization rate.
Conductivity meter to monitor the water quality·
Input and exhaust water pressure difference,continuous monitor the RO membrane pressure difference to indicate the rinse time.
Design the independent chemical washing RO membrane device http://www.waterfillingline.com/