PQQ - An Essential Micronutrient That Helps You Thrive
PQQ (Pyrroloquinoline quinone) is a relatively newly discovered vitamin-like nutrient related to the B-vitamin family.
Neuroprotective activity
PQQ has been shown to optimize health and function of the entire central nervous system. It reverses cognitive impairment caused by chronic oxidative stress in pre-clinical models, improving performance on memory tests.
Anti-oxidative activity
PQQ may be considered a super antioxidant because it is far more stable than most other antioxidants and can carry out more redox cycling reactions as a result of this. It's been found to be 175 times more efficient than epicatechin (antioxidant found in chocolate), 200 times more efficient than quercetin (antioxidant found in green tea & various fruits & vegetables), and 5,000 times more efficient than vitamin C.
Mitochondrial biogenesis
Mitochondrial dysfunction has been definitively linked to virtually all killer diseases of aging, from Alzheimer’s disease and type 2 diabetes to heart failure. PQQ has been shown to induce mitochondrial biogenesis—the growth of new mitochondria in aging cells!
Prevention of memory loss
A randomized, double-blind study released in 2009 looked at the the effect of PQQ and CoQ10 supplementation over a 3 month period on 71 middle aged individuals. What they found is that memory, attention, and cognition improved in individuals supplementing with PQQ and this affect was enhanced even more when taking both PQQ and CoQ10 together.
Cardiovascular health
In a study in 2006 using animal models, PQQ was actually shown to be superior to a well known beta-blocker (metoprolol) in reducing oxidative damage after a heart attack and resulted in reduced area of cardiac tissue death and improved overall cardiac function.