Cryostor series are the newest high performance cryogenic liquid phase storage container which mainly used for liquid nitrogen storage in central laboratories. They make use of a little amount of liquid vaporization to generate pressure, then force container discharge liquid, thereby to supply liquid for other containers. Stainless wheel construction ensures them to use in hostile environment for long time. Compared with traditional welded insulated cylinder, they can reduce evaporation loss. Each cryogenic storage series equips with a pressure raising, decant value, relief value and manometer, besides these, Cryostor 200 and above will also equip with bursting disc and muffler. In addition, all models equip with four mobile universal casters wheel for easy to use and move in different places. Mainly apple to laboratory and chemical enterprise which needs to store and supply liquid nitrogen automatically.
Key Features:
1. 5 year vacuum warranty
2. Stainless steel tanks
3. Automatic caster wheel for easy mobility
4. Protective operation ring
5. Perfect security construction
Back-up System
Samples security is the most basic principle of sample storage. How to ensure the security of samples when the refrigerator faced the power outages, faults or other extreme conditions? Self-pressurization liquid nitrogen back-up system is the security measure used in cryogenic refrigerators. When some extreme conditions happen, back-up system starts automatically, opens cryogenic solenoid value, sprays liquid nitrogen to ensure the refrigerator temperature meet the requirement, thus protects samples security.