bucket plastic bottle
listen carefully to what the call center? Yearning for blue grass, longing for sincere smile, is part of every city people desire heart. In fact, as the lyrics sung, we need to give each
other strength. Caring, honest to right, it will make our lives no longer cold. In the "bit by bit" of the MV, Yu Quan brothers incarnation "Ambassadors", the little thing in life bit by bit in
series. They hold the guitar shuttle in the city streets, looking to help children get back to hang on the branches of the kite, help the elderly cross the street and so on, these small move of
Love, awaken our hearts touched by the most primitive memory, also let people have gradually open the window of heart, care, love, help the people around you. Asked to create the song's original
intention, Yu Quan revealed some of their ideas, "we feel that the more a little bit of something, the