terry towel supplier Water very fast, very soft, very fluffy texture, this is the year we go through a number of reforms, after the polishing process, the general situation is like that.
Moderator: Well, just give us a demonstration of the total care of their terry towel, with strong water absorption characteristics, then I would like to ask total care, because we have just seen our
product and there was a bathrobe such products , then we know that in traditional hotels which are generally white bathrobe, but I see today our products have some other colors, I would like to ask
you to consider these products for what aspects, so that our products In addition to the color white adds some color? Gu Xiaochuan: the pursuit of fashion personality, and now not only white, there
are a lot of colors, but we also want our products to promote deeper, you can enter a large supermarket can be, it