terry towel hotel towel suppliers on the customer, if the other party believe that our product quality, but off, then we flew to track this thing, that we can go to the hotel to see in the
end what is the reason customers are not satisfied with our products, if Among the reasons for our production, we will promptly to the customer to replace, to coordinate this matter, we must allow
the customer to achieve satisfaction. Moderator: We also learned that our products on the market there is a certain share, now please give us a brief introduction Zhang, our products in the market
specific sales, and repercussions on the market like? Zhang: First, you mentioned the market share, we have to say what we Huai'an City, Jiangsu Huaian area here, our entire Huai'an District here,
accounting for the country's terry towel production and sales in more than 40%, is the