Feverfew is a traditional medicinal herb which is found in many old gardens, and is also occasionally grown for ornament. The word "feverfew" derives from the Latin word febrifugia, meaning "fever reducer." The plant has been used as a herbal treatment to reduce fever and to treat headaches, arthritis and digestive problems, though scientific evidence does not support anything beyond a placebo effect.
Yumel the common name for a type of tree that grows in Mexico also known as Guatteria Gaumeri. The bark of the tree is harvested for its\' benefits which seem to help with all things related to the urinary system. Our Yumel product is a concentrated liquid extract preserved in ...
Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba) is one of the oldest living tree species and it is an antioxidant-rich herb used to enhance brain health and treat a variety of conditions. Although dietary supplements typically contain extracts from the plant\'s leaves, ginkgo Biloba seeds are commonly ...
Eucommia ulmoides Oliv is a plant belonging to the genus Eucommia in the family Eucommiaceae, which contains high chlorogenic acid. Chlorogenic acid, also known as 3-car-feoyquinic acid, is a phenylpropanoid synthesized by the intermediate product of pentose phosphate pathway ...