We are Exporters of Propylene tank,
Propylene oxide tank , Propylene storage tank, Propylene gas storage
tank, Propylene transport tank, Propylene tank with different capacity tanks, with Excellent
quality and reasonable price.
Technical Specification: Design Temperature: -40 Deg C to + 65 Deg C Design Code: As per the Business Standards and code- ASME , AD MERKBALTTER , PD 5500 , CODAP 2000 AND OTHERS Volume (m: 0.5M3 to 1000M3) Design Pressure: 18.16 Bar to 24 Bar Contact : Propylene oxide Tanks Address: B-23, mayanagari Building, Dapodi, Pune-411012. Tel: 020-30686705 Fax: 020-30686723 Email: propylenetank@gmail.com |