At Becausewecare, we manufacture a wide range of products from our blown film. These include our weed mats, retail bags, waste bin liners and our protective clothing items.
All our blown film products can be manufactured to your specific designs and requirements or are also available in our standard generic sizes and print.
All of our products have been certified as 100% biodegradable products by Australian Bioplastics Association (ABA) AS 4736, Vincotte and Din Certco EN13432, and Biodegradable
Products Institute (BPI) ASTM D6400.
Most worldwide legislations than ban traditional plastic bags will only allow certified biodegradable or compostable alternatives. This means certifications in related regions are
essential for local sales. Don't forget to check with your local government and always ask for certifications.
Biodegradable Ink:
All of our ink used for coloring is soy-based and non-toxic. This means the printing inks are biodegradable and compostable. All of our inks still comply with relevant standards for
composability and biodegradability.