custom made socks the embarrassment of men. Blacksocks's smart socks system includes button-type 13.56MHz High Frequency (HF) RFID tags (track single socks) and small RFID reader (via a Bluetooth
connection to communicate with the smart phone iphone). This fall, Blacksocks released this both practical and entertaining smart socks solutions. Blacksocks Since 1998 the company began to explore
to help men dress socks matching method. So far, the company's customers have expanded to Sweden, the United States, Germany and other countries. The smart socks called Plus + socks programs using
high-frequency 13.56MHzSmart tecsmart DOME freestyle HTRFID labels can withstand temperatures up to 200 degrees Celsius; also includes a handheld RFID reader SockSorter invention by a Swiss
engineer. Customers can download the free Blacksocks application to the iphone mobile phone, when bought new Plus + socks, open SockSorter reader connected to your phone, read the label, follow the
prompts to match the application. After washing socks, using reader to read the tag, the distance control between 2-5 inches. When the tag read properly, the reader LED is green. Application not
only able to match socks, washing socks and the number of records (data based on the number of tags read). First test products include Plus + 10 pairs of socks, plus a small RFID reader, a total of
$ 89. Cattle Wenjuan