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Asian socks underwear into Mexico hit the garment industry garment garment industry
Asian socks underwear garment industry into Mexico hit cloth. 07 10 14:34 [international underwear Apparel Network Mexico "The Economist" reported that in the first five, a total of 10 million
low-cost clothes from Asia to enter the Mexican market , Pingjunmeijian clothes only 31 cents thereafter ink market selling price even reaches $ 10. Top 5 Mexican garment industry increased by 10%,
but the industry a total of 196 small business failures. President of the Mexican National Chamber of Industry clothing Lopez said that in the first five, there were from China and Malaysia, 1.7
million sports T-shirts, 3.8 million pairs of synthetic socks, underwear and 3.7 million into the Mexican market, which hit Mexico garment industry.