Oil paper raw wood pulp qualities of one Introduction
Oil raw material qualities of wood pulp paper pulp that is pre-ground Wood prepared. Qualities of wood pulp and bleached pulp contained in the main ingredient is the same.
Because the use of the separation of the two fibers is the same way. The results of the cooking timber to make it more soft, easy to separate the fibers and the fibers retain maximum integrity.
This approach made pulp, which is characterized by a longer than bleached pulp, preferably plastic fibers used to make paper and paperboard has high mechanical strength index. Since the
dissolution of the cooking process the fiber cladding, particularly resins and phenol, the pulp was brown. Qualities of pulp fiber than the low-intensity white roll pulp fibers. It can be used
in the manufacture of plastic and having good elasticity, mainly used in the manufacture of paper and oil paper bags.