Effect of oil waxed paper moisture permeability of the material
Although one of the paper with the isolation properties, but, in terms of water vapor permeability, but the role of the paper is very small, and even does not work. Practical
experience has shown that, regardless of how much the number of polymer coated on the surface of the paper on the paper surface of the water vapor resistance properties are somewhat improved.
Any plastic process, the basic layer is covered with a plastic film no pinholes on the entire surface of the substrate. On cardboard and white paper liner composite coating microcrystalline
wax, to increase the amount of wax on water vapor permeability material. When seen from the figure curve, wax content of less than 20g / m2, it can not form a complete film of wax. Also can be
seen to be in cellophane / cellophane, glassine / greaseproof and greaseproof paper / greaseproof paper The composites on anti-wax, so as to achieve a similar water vapor transmission rate, it
would take were coated with 3 ~ 4 g / mz, 9 -10g / m2 and 12-13g / m2, net paraffin. Obviously, the surface of glassine greaseproof paper more than smooth, and the greaseproof paper surface is
more smooth than the wove paper and cardboard. In addition, different surface smoothness of the water absorption capacity also plays a different role.