Molecular Formula: C27H32O14
Molecular Weight: 580.53
Botanical Source: Rutaceous citrus paradise macfadyen, fruit; citrus grandis L. osbeck and C. paradise macfad., dried immature or nearly maturate epicarp.
Physical Property:
- Appearance: yellowish powder
- Melting Point: 171℃
- Solubility: soluble in hot water, ethanol, acetone and hot acetic acid, insoluble in aether, hexane and chloroform.
Indications: Naringin is a kind of dihydro-flavonoids compound, none of conjugations between loop A and B, thereby, strong UV absorption peak was appeared at 282 nm, owing to this
contributes to variety of biological activity and pharmacological action. It has functions such as: anti-inflammatory, anti-virus, anti-cancer, anti-mutation, anti- allergic, anti- ulcer,
analgesia, reducing blood pressure activity, depressing serum cholesterol and the formation of thrombus. Through this way, it can boost local microcirculation and nutrition supplying, for the
prevention of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.