It contains Mulethi, Tulsi, Vasak, Sonth , Elaichi. Mulethi -When chewed or sucked it increases saliva secretion and hence is used as a throat emolliant. It is a good demulcent and expectorant. It is given in inflammatory Condition of throat, cattarah, cough, and hoarsencess of voice. It stimulates mucus membrane specially of the respiratory passage.Vasak -It is beneficial in asthama, cough and cold, chronic bronchitis, and otyher chest diseases. It is used as an antipasmodic and as an expectorant and alternativ4.Sonth -It is beneficial in diseases of throat, It has property to enhance saliva secretion and used in bronchial disorders as well to relive spasmodic pain and acts as an appetizer.Elaichi -It is used in cough and dysponea (asthama and other respiratory disorders). It is also used as a mouth freshner.Kapha tea is invigorating. Drink kapha tea when : -Feeling lethargic Wants to reduce excess weight. Digestion is poor Weather is wet and cold Your body is Kapha type.
A delicious spice tea for balancing kapha. |