It exerts benefits on the pancreas and may reduce the blood sugar level. It may be recommended for treating ailments and infections of the urinary system , diseases of the liver and gall bladder ,
illnesses of the spleen , and inflammations of the respiratory passages. It is also useful for ulcers of the stomach and intestines and diseases of the lungs . Nettle Leaf Tea provides support for
treating microbic illnesses and the spread of infection. It is quite efficacious for edema . Thanks to its blood-making capacity , it is beneficial in eliminating anemic pallor , a low white cell
count , and , iron-deficiency anemia. The fatigue and exhaustion that is a sign of iron deficiency in the elderly can be overcome with iron-rich fresh nettle leaves. It activates the metabolism. It
eases elimination of the feces . It offers relief for gout and rheumatism. It is efficacious as a supplement to the treatment of infections and disorders of the urinary system and kidneys. Nettle
Leaf Tea is of benefit for the liver , gall bladder , and spleen. It can restore to normal proportions a heavy menstrual flow.
Nettle is a plant that promotes the production of blood and purifies the blood.