Numerous musicians have approached us over the years saying that they have a bad back and don't like seat backs that flex, they want a rigid back system. While no seat can cure a bad back, the SoundSeat TBSO now offers extreme comfort without the back flex. While the Standard SoundSeat and the MP Models offer a back bar that acts as a large spring and flexes, the TBSO utilizes a substantially thicker, heavier back bar, and a heavier duty seat mechanism, which does not allow the back to flex. The TBSO also offers 2 different back sizes, each providing excellent comfort and stability. The TBSO seat is based on the MP frame for a larger more comfortable seating surface
SoundSeat TBSO MP-R Guitar Stool
(plus S&H)
General Use: | Commercial Furniture |
Specific Use: | Bar Stool |
Type: | Bar Furniture |