Our helpful Calculator automatically totals your chosen options. Note the Base Price above is the starting price for the smallest model. Utilize the drop-down menu to calculate the Subtotals with Options before any discounts, shipping charges, and sales tax (CA only
Production and delivery:
Model, standard dimensions, est. bottle capacities*:
4 Dr Single Credenza, 39"H?1?"W?4"D, 144 in-rack bottles + bulk storage
4 Dr Double Credenza, 39"H?1?"W?1?"D, 288 in-rack bottles + bulk storage
* Bottle count is based on all standard 750ml & excludes bulk storage.
Optional features (see drop-down menu above):
VINOTHEQUE 4 Dr Franciscan Oakville Estate Credenza with Window Door shown in Medium finish.
Standard features:
Quantity in Basket: none
Code: F-4DR-CRED.
Price: $3,695.00
Regular price: $4495.00 - On Sale!
Wood Style: | Solid Wood |
Material: | Wood |
General Use: | Commercial Furniture |
Type: | Bar Furniture |