The Tot & Toddler ChairTM
Two Chairs in one!!! Holds toddlers and "flip the seat down and it now holds an Infant Carrying Seat!!" Works with all Infant Seats we tested, we tested most available seats. It has Safety Straps
to hold the Infant Carrying Seat in place or if used as a Toddler Chair it adjusts to hold child safely in the chair. Premium casters are one of the most important safety aspects of the T & T chair
as if it is bumped, pushed, shoved, or bumped into it rolls away without tipping over. The casters also provide the ability to put "Baby & Infant Carrying Seat" in chair while waiting in line or
moving to table. Prevents servers and customers from carrying over head, exposing other customers to dropping of chairs, and sanitary issues. The Tot & Toddler Chair is sterile, easy to use for
your customers while remaining easy to clean for your staff. It is also stackable!
Two Chairs in one!!! Holds toddlers and "flip the seat down and it now holds an Infant Carrying Seat!!"