Item Weight(in kg): 0.1
Carton Weight(in kg): 12.400
Carton Quantity: 24
Carton Dimensions: 44 x 33 x 33.4cm
FOB Available: Yes
Minimum Order Quantity: 1
This is the latest in the fearsomely lifelike BSOMEBODY range, which enables one to substitute the head of a friend, foe or pet onto the perfectly formed pectorals of a world-famous bod. Yes, get down to brass tacks and it's just a desktop photo holder. But, my, it's a desktop photo holder and a half. No lump of metal or wood will do the job half as well as an uber-pneumatic Marilyn Monroe lookylikey ever will. And so say all of us.
This handy model could well be your fantasy ticket outtahere. Simply pop your head on top, drift off... and you could well find yourself transported to an exotic foreign location with a perfectly mixed Martini in hand. Before waking up to discover you've missed your stop and it's a long walk home.
These headless bodies may at first appear slightly ghoulish, but there's a method in their madness. Simply insert an image of your head in the handily provided slot where the decapitated bonce would have been, and ta-da... you've become a gun-toting, jet-setting, babe-ensaring playboy with a penchant for saving the world and bagging some serious tonsil.
Yesch. Get one of these suited and booted beauties on your desk and you'll be enunciating Bond-tastic one-liners like 'Schend Little Nelly' and 'Scho, you want me to talk?' in no time at all. In fact, fancying yourself as the next JB - and, let's face it, generations of British actors have done just that - is now well within your grasp, courtesy of some high technology plastic injection moulding.
"If only I had the body of Marilyn Monroe", our colleague Simon was once heard to mumble, while incoherent after a tough night on the Appletisers. Now, for him and countless other
B-Somebody Photo Holder - Secret Agent |