Blending the style with beauty andcomfort is our unique gallery of wrought iron furniture, which isoffered by us especially for you to convert your home into acontemporary place. Epitome of current
fashion, our furniture is givenagile and impeccable craftsmanship to embody designers' dreams intoreal. Utilization of best quality metal & glass popularizes themamidst quality conscious elites.
Our range is enriched with wroughtiron tables, wrought iron sofa tables, wrought iron dining table,wrought iron patio table, wrought iron coffee table, wrought ironconsole table, wrought iron side
table, wrought iron kitchen table,wrought iron outdoor table, wrought iron glass top table, wrought irongarden table, wrought iron book racks, wrought iron newspaper racks,wrought iron book stand,
wrought iron magazine stand, wrought ironnewspaper stand etc.
Wrought Iron Glass Table
2'-6" x 2'-6" x 1'-6"
16 Kg / Square Feet
Black, Silver, Copper