The idea was to create a timeless and simple design using environmentally friendly materials. As a result most of the materials used is either bamboo or aluminum. From the pictures above you can clearly see that the cable tray is easily accessible from the front by sliding the desk top forward. There is thus no need for crawling around underneath the desk to try and find the correct cable. The tray is big enough to accommodate external hard drives and power supplies. Drawers to house all the other necessities pull open from the front, making those items very accessible. Built-in high quality loudspeakers complete the package.
I work almost exclusively on an Apple MacBook Pro with various peripherals connected to it when in my home office. For example: a bluetooth mouse, 2 x 500Gb external hard drives, iPod dock,
external sound card, active speakers, and other smaller items like flash drives and the like. Then of course there is all the other stuff a designer might need: pencils and pens, drawing pads,
measuring equipment, etc.
The question then arises where to put all of this, and what do you do with all the cables and power supplies that adorn so many of these peripherals? I have thus set out in an attempt to design a
laptop / computer desk that will suit my specific needs, but hopefully be a solution to many a cable entangled computer desk owner.
Computer Desk [2009]
2 x 500Gb external hard drives, iPod dock, external sound card, active speakers, and other smaller items like flash drives
Style: | Laptop Desk |
Material: | Bamboo |
General Use: | Commercial Furniture |
Specific Use: | Computer Desk |
Type: | School Furniture |