Just in 67 Herman Miller Q System office cubicles 67 panel height 8x6 and 8x8 office cubicle sizes available. Each Herman Miller Office Cubicle consist of overhead shelving, (1) box/box/file
storage pedestal, (1) file/file storage pedestal (1) curvilinear corner worksurface, (2) squared edge curvilinear straight worksurfaces, task lighting, powered spline with beltway power and data
ports. Fabric color is beige paint color is black and the worksurfaces are wood grain. Sold in clusters of 6 and 8. These Herman Miller Office Cubicles are in excellent condition call today for
Herman Miller Q System office cubicles 67 inch panel height 8x6 and 8x8 office cubicle sizes available. Excellent Condition.
Brand Name: | Herman Miller |
Place of Origin: | Texas United States |
General Use: | Commercial Furniture |
Type: | Office Furniture |